Dear Members ,
Recent annoucnment from our governing bodies , Little Athletics Australia and Queensland Athletics , regarding the ongoing response to the Covid-19 situation , have advised an immediate suspension of all orgainised athletics activities .
After consideration of this advice and with the health and well being of our members , members families and the wider macaky community our highest priority , we have agreed to suspend our 2020 athletics season effective immediately .
This will mean the Interclub Event Sheduled for this sunday the 22nd of March will be postponed along with all following centre days . There have been a number of time frames suggested by our governing bobies for the suspension of activities , our committee will be monitoring the situation closely and provide advice on the resumption of the 2020 season as soon as we are able to do so .
If anyone has any questions , please do not hesitate to contact us .
Stay tuned members , take care of those close to you .
We will see you on the track soon
Trudy Bradbury