
Who's excited for athletics to return? We sure are!

Published Tue 09 Jun 2020

Who's excited for athletics to return? We sure are!

Following the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, we are allowed to have groups of 20 people on our Pioneer facility. From the 14th June we will be starting a program which has been agreed to by our governing bodies ANQ, LAQ and the State Government.

We currently aren't allowed to offer our full club days, but we can offer a training program which has been derived by Coach Dave and Coach Anthony. The following 4 sessions will be available each week during stage 2 restrictions:

Sundays (1.5hrs) 9:00am and 10:45am

Tuesdays (1hr) 4:00pm

Thursdays (1hr) 4:00pm

There are a couple of things we have to adhere to though:

  • To ensure we meet go Government requirements of <20 people in a group, we have developed a booking system through our website for the above training sessions each week. Each sessioncan be booked here.

          We strongly recommend your read the "Info" page before you proceed to booking sessions.

          Please be mindful of others and refrain from booking multiple sessions per week unless there appears to be spot available.

  • Parents that remain at the facility will not need to include themselves in the booking process. We encourage parents to consider  stop, drop and go approach to assist with controlling the numbers at our facility. We have arranged for committee members to assist with prompt drop offs and pick ups, so please ensure your contact details are current. Parents staying at the club during sessionsare allowed to form a group of <20 but MUST sign in with the club and provide their details for our record keeping (as required by the COVID Safe Industry Plan for Outdoor Sports).
  • At present we can only offer this program to athletes in the under 10's and above. If it goes well with will likely expand to the younger age groups in a couple of weeks.
  • Social distancing must be maintained at all times (athletes and parents included). We will have a couple of assistants on hand to help with that, We know you'll all be excited to see your friends but we have to keep 1.5m apart.
  • There will be hygiene procedures to follow, don't worry though, we will be on hand to help you out.
  • Bring your own water bottle as communal water will not be available. Canteen is currently no offered either.
  • If you or a family member are experiencing any Cold/Flu-like symptoms, pleaes do not attend our facility and seek medical advice.


For those wondering about what the season will bring, we are extending our season so we will get more dates to you once the relaxation of rules comes in (hopefully at Stage 3). In the mean time we have uploaded a revised season which may still be subject to changes depending on what the futures holds. When we get the green light to resume a somewhat normal operation from our governing bodies, we will communicate this through Facebook and email. If you have any queries, please reach out to us.

Stay safe and we hope to see you back on the track soon.

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